Some other important things

Fast Input/Output

  • In C++, for fast input / output, while using cin and cout, use these lines :
int main()
// all your code below this
  • These above lines makes cin, cout work faster. It is advised to add these statements in all your codes.

Also for fast output, don’t use cout << endl. Instead use cout << ‘\n’ for a newline. It works faster.

Avoid common mistakes

  • You must become familiar with the following :

    • Common errors on online judges like TLE, MLE, Runtime error, Compile error and how to get rid of them
    • When does overflow occur ? How to prevent overflow ?
    • How to compare floating point values, like doubles ? (we can’t simply use == )
  • You may refer to this great blog, to get familiar with these.


To get rid of type-casting int to long long multiple times for preventing overflow, you may want to write this at the top:

#define int long long

For this to work, also replace int main() by :

int32_t main()

Session Slides

  • The whiteboard slides, used during the introduction session, are available here